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Vilma Bond - Hold Me
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Vilma Bond ministering to the late Michael Jackson's Will you be there? at Praise 2009 TheArc Theatre Washington DC 2009

Will You Be There

My interpretation of this song


The Artist of this song is asking a question, “Will you be there“? He is telling us that he needed someone or something to be there for him, to hold him, to love him and to care for him, to carry him, someone like a Mother, a Father, a Sister, a Friend.


The Artist also used the River of Jordan as the place that he was reaching out to in times of despair. For us as believers, the River of Jordan is a very significant place.

The Jordan River was known as a source of fertility to a large plain, known as the garden of God. Jesus often crossed The Jordan River to preach, when Jesus enemies sought to capture Him, He took refuge at Jordan in the place where John first baptized.


Scripture tells us that John the baptizer who was a mere lunatic or so he was called, did not have the courage to live in society.

So he lived more like an outcast in the wilderness, Mathew3:4 eating wild honey and locust, but even with his strange life, God used the famous John the baptizer, John1:23 the fore-runner to baptize His only son Jesus.


John would regularly baptize the people in The River  Jordan after he would warn them to turn from their wicked ways, repent and be baptized, but one fateful day, the son of God showed up to be baptized, and by whom? John the Baptizer off course, and where? The River Jordan.


Well, even God had to get off His busy schedule and recognize and acknowledge the baptism of His beloved son, so he took the time to send the messenger the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, to hover over The River of Jordan, as He spoke “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” Mathew 3:17.


The Artist ends his song with the words “You will always be in my heart”  


Immediately when I heard this song, visions began to appear and I knew right away, that this was a message in a song, that can be ministered through movement ministry, a message that can remind us all, that like the Artist Michael Jackson, we too need someone to love us, be there for us, carry us, be a Mother to us, a father to us and most of all be a friend to us.


As believers we have accepted that our heavenly Father is a Father to the fatherless psalms 68:5, a mother to the motherless and a friend to the friendless, and we also know that if we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior, that He remains in our hearts forever through the person of His Holy Spirit. 

Vilma Bond Performs at Retirement Celebration
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Vilma Bond ministering to Big Daddy Weave's Overwhelmed, at Rilla Gaither 40 years Retirement DOT. 2014

Vilma New Hope (8)
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Vilma Bond ministering to Christmas Choir, at New Hope SDA Church 2011

Via de la Rosa
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Vilma Bond ministering to Via Dolorosa  by Sandy Pattie, at Victory Christian Church International Gaithersburg Maryland, accompanied by her daughter Petal Mattherson, and Ministry associate Stephanie Pearson 1998

Lion and The Lamb
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Vilma Bond ministering to Lion and the Lamb by Crystal Lewis, at Victory Christian Church International Gaithersburg, accompanied by her daughter Petal Mattherson 1998

Woman Thou Art Loose
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Vilma Bond ministering to Woman Thou Art Loosed by Vicki Winan at Victory Christian Church International Gaithersburg Maryland, accompanied by Candice Villafana and daughter Petal Mattherson 1998

Tribute and dance
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              Vilma Bond  Tribute to Montgomery College Maryland 2021 

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